Kevin Chiang
Prof. CHIANG, Wei-yu Kevin 

   Dr. Kevin Chiang (江偉裕博士)

     Professor of Management Sciences
     City University of Hong Kong



Dr. Kevin Chiang is a Professor at City University of Hong Kong, where he served as MBA Director and Program Leader of MSc in Operations & Supply Chain Management. He was previously a faculty at University of Maryland and Southern Illinois University in the USA. Before entering academia, he worked as an IT consultant in Chicago. Focusing on operations-marketing interface, Dr. Chiang's research work has been published in leading journals, including Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Journal of Management Information Systems. He has been listed among World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University.  

江偉裕博士為香港城市大學管理科學系教授,擔任過該校MBA主任及運營與供應鏈管理碩士課程總監,曾獲傑出教師獎。他曾于美國馬里蘭大學及南伊利諾大學任教, 並在此之前於芝加哥一家跨國企業擔任專業顧問。江教授出生於臺灣,於美國伊利諾大學取得工商管理學碩士及哲學博士學位。他曾為多家中外企業提供管理諮詢服務,有深厚的理論與實務經驗。江教授在不同的國際權威期刊上發表過數篇高影響力的著作, 其專業領域涵蓋了運營決策分析、市場行銷、產品價格策略和供應鏈管理等諸多方面。他被史丹佛大學列為全球前2%頂尖科學家。